“I had to write to you to say thank you for your November 1st Affirmation. I always read them but this one arrived just at the right time to help me through a difficult situation. I had to put my business into liquidation because of a partner who has caused me great difficulty. He has made my life intolerable over the last few years, and as I knew he would be there on the day of the meeting he would make this unbearable. I wrote down your affirmation ” I confidently shine my Divine light, knowing that I am strong, honest and just” and went off to the meeting. About half an hour before I sat very quietly and repeated the affirmation, firstly surrounding my self with Archangel Michael’s strong blue light and asking Him to protect me. Normally I would have folded mentally and physically doing what I had to do, but this day I felt strength and love within me and was able to get through the trauma. I am a great believer in fate and you sent this to me when I was in need, thank you.
Please keep sending the affirmations and continue to help people like myself.” – Lyn Holding
Chrissie’s reply:
I just read your email and it gave me a tingle as I could really empathize with your experience…
What amazing and empowering confirmation that our faith in the angelic realms is rewarded when we believe and put it into practice!