Angels Abroad Crete 2018 – travel page

This page is for travellers on the Crete trip for 2018.



The hotel you’ll be staying at is the Peli –
22 Aggamemnonos str., Mavros Molos, Kissamos Crete, 73400

The cost includes breakfast and lunch at the Peli Hotel, but not evening meals. The group often eat together at local restaurants and the food is inexpensive, so you don’t need to budget too much!


We are currently liaising with the Peli Hotel to arrange transfers from Chania when you arrive. IF YOUR TRAVEL PLANS CHANGE PLEASE LET US KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


The itinerary is usually as follows, although can vary depending on the needs of the group:

  • Wednesday 5th is a travel day. Chrissie will be at the hotel to welcome you when you arrive.
  • Morning meditation followed by breakfast (from Thursday 6th onwards)
  • Morning workshop (usually outside near the pool) through until lunchtime (except for the first and last day)
  • Shared lunch
  • Afternoons/Evenings free (although Peli sometimes put on evening entertainment)
  • On Saturday there is usually a day trip to see local sites but it is optional and subject to weather etc, so there’s some flexibility.
  • The final Wednesday will usually commence with a morning meditation and breakfast but is then a travel day to allow people to catch flights throughout the day.

The retreat is Wednesday 5th to Wednesday 12th – both Wednesdays are travel days so no formal activities take place (although we often meditate before breakfast on the last day).


How will airport transfers work?

Peli Hotel will organise transfers and you’ll be met at Chania airport on arrival. Look for drivers holding signs with your name or with ‘Chrissie Astell’ or ‘Angel Group’. The cost will be shared and depend on numbers but we don’t expect it to be more than 20 euro per person. If you arrange your own taxi it may be as high as 80 euro.

What will the weather be like?

Generally it is warm and sunny in Crete in September with tempertures between 19 and 27 degrees C. Rain is rare in September. However, we’d recommend you check with on online weather forecaster a week or two before departure for the latest news.

How much money will I need?

You will need to pay for and drinks or snacks you need during the day and evening meals.  Drinks and snacks are generally about the same price as in the UK, but the local teverner where most people eat in teh evening is relatively cheap. A typical meal with a glass of wine might be in the region of 15-20 euros. We normally organise a trip on one day to local sites and the cost will be for a minibus and shared, depending on numbers. Peli can also organise Yoga classes, massages and other treatments for those who want them. And there are local shops, sites and activities in the area if you wish to do more in the afternoons. Credit cards are welcome in many places and there are cashpoints available.

Do I need to bring anything?

As far as the spiritual work is concerned, you do not need to bring anything.